Maple Floor, Arden Village Hall, Castle Bromwich.

School Gym Floors were nominated contractors for this fantastic village hall in need of some wooden floor restorations. At the heart of Castle Bromwich this busy hall had to be completed out of hours. We carried out the works on multiple floors at Arden Hall throughout the Christmas break ready for a busy New Years party. The lacquer had begun to completely wear away and started to become grey on this maple floor.

After a lot of sanding we managed to get the floor back to its former glory. Starting with 36 Grit Bona Sandpaper working our way through to 60 Grit and then to 80 Grit. We carried out the sanding with our high end Hummel belt sander and Bona belt sander. Completing the same process throughout on a Bona edger machine. Once this is completed we now move onto a finishing machine (buffing machine) starting with 80 Grit we then move onto a 120 Grit for a super smooth finish.

We apply a Junckers Baseprimer coat first. This is so that it will enhance the grain in the wood and to give the floor more depth in colour. Moving onto HP Commercial lacquer 2 coats are applied then abrade the surface lightly. Carefully vacuumed after the final coat is applied.